cleo lacey
Photo Cataloging
Dressing made easy
Once we have completed the wardrobe consultation and personal shop you will have a wardrobe bursting with beautiful and inspirational items that are just dying to be worn! I guarantee you’ll want to get changed three times a day and as soon as an invite lands, you’ll be off! They’ll be no more ‘I’ve got nothing to wear’ even though you’ve probably got less than before you met me!
I will have shown you how to put items together on the shop and what could be worn with what, but if when you get home you struggle to mix and match then fear not, your fairy clothes mother is on hand again to help you out. Once all the items we needed to complete your new wardrobe have been located I can conduct a photo cataloguing session. This is where I will come back purely to put outfits together for you.
Creating different looks for different occasions and then photographing each one, so that you have a record of how things go together and when they should be worn. From the individual garments to each accessory, the full outfit is considered. You will be sent the images digitally to store in an album on your phone, no more worrying about what to wear. Simply take a look at your outfit catalogue and choose! It makes getting ready in a morning super quick, easy and stress free, not to mention packing for holidays or weekends away. This album can be added to each season.

Photo cataloging is also fantastic for someone with a lot of clothes and accessories but that still struggles putting everything together. Not everyone is a natural at mixing and matching, creating different looks and styles for different occasions, so why not leave a professional to show you how to do it.
Starting from 200
Interested? Contact Your Fairy Clothes Mother Today
Whether you're looking for yourself or a friend, you know what you're want or you're not quite sure... Get in touch with Cleo and she will assist you.